Friday, November 21, 2014


Some differences between indian and american culture:

  • the houses are much smaller and basically shacks in india
  • there are out houses where you have to go to the bathroom in india
  • the class room in india is the size of a walk in closet with many kids and chaos 
  • the police are not viewed as helping the citizens

Friday, November 14, 2014



  • party in the USA - miley cyrus
  • born in the USA- bruce springsteen
  • courtesy of the red, white, and blue- toby keith
French Republic 

La Marseillaise 
Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle. 

Allons enfants de la patrie, 
Le jour de gloire est arriv? 
Contre nous de la tyrannie 
L'?tendard sanglant est lev? 
Entendez vous dans les campagnes, 
Mugir ces f?roces soldats? 
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras 
Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes! 


Aux armes, citoyens! 
Formez vos bataillons! 
Marchons! Marchons! 
Qu'un sang impur 
Abreuve nos sillons! 

Amour sacr? de la patrie, 
Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs! 
Libert?, Libert? cherie, 
Combats avec tes defenseurs! 
Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire 
Accoure ? tes males accents! 
Que tes ennemis expirants 
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire! 


Nous entrerons dans la carri?re 
Quand nos ain?s n'y seront plus; 
Nous y trouverons leur poussi?re 
Et la trace de leurs vertus. 
Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre 
Que de partager leur cercueil, 
Nous aurons le sublime orgueil 
De les venger ou de les suivre! 




Ye sons of France, awake to glory! 

Hark! Hark! the people bid you rise! 

Your children, wives, and grandsires hoary 

Behold their tears and hear their cries! 


Shall hateful tyrants, mischief breeding, 

With hireling hosts a ruffian band 

Affright and desolate the land 

While peace and liberty lie bleeding? 


To arms, to arms, ye brave! 

Th'avenging sword unsheathe! 

March on, march on, all hearts resolved 

On liberty or death. 

Oh liberty can man resign thee, 

Once having felt thy gen'rous flame? 

Can dungeons, bolts, and bar confine thee? 

Or whips thy noble spirit tame? 


Too long the world has wept bewailing 

That falsehood's dagger tyrants wield; 

But freedom is our sword and shield 

And all their arts are unavailing. 



Thursday, November 13, 2014


The test that we did today was in-between hard and easy some of the questions i found simple but others had me stuck. I hope i did good on the test because i need to raise my grade for me to continue being basketball manger. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

review #2

We did not have our test today because the link mr schtick gave us to study didn't let us open it. So during class we got to open this link and start to study. We are able to complete our blog in class which was helpful and we basically had a free mod so we could get to studying and blogging. I feel like this will be a hard test so i need to study a lot so my grade goes up.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


We have a test on wednesday on our presentations. We started talking about problems in the world. Mostly we had a free mod so we could talk and do our blogs which was very helpful. I have to start studying for my test since we have it in wednesday and mr.schick said it was difficult. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

continue on presentation


  • federal republic
  • dilma rousseff- president
  • 36 president 
  • 4 year terms she's had 2
  • reelection, impeach, assassination, press charges.
  • parliament democracy, federation, constitution monarchy 
  • canada was under british rule
  • stephen harper has been in power for eight years and he started in january 23, 2006
  • been a part of the parliament since 2002
  • impeachment

Thursday, November 6, 2014

continue on presentations

  • federal presidential republic 
  • Putin & Medvedev
  • by law they have to agree
  • over throw, assassination, start a revolution, impeach, protest, vote a third party candidate 
  • republic
  • 7 years 
  • rigged voting
  • 2 year term 
  • used chemical war fair when people tried over throwing 
  • been around since 600 BC
  • akihito is the emperor 
  • prime minsister shinzo abe
  • only monarchy with the title emperor 
  • first prime minister
  • all men and women who are 20 have the right to vote 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


  • federal republic
  • leader- Chancellor Angela Merkel
  • every 4 years election for chancellor
  • every 5 years president election
  • impeachment 
  • leader barack obama
  • impeachment, revolution, assassination
  • 4 year= 1 term 
  • can have up to 2 terms
  • Andrew jackson was the only impeached government 
  • federal republic