Friday, August 29, 2014

five ways to succeed in high school

One good way to succeed in high school is to be social with a lot of people because that can help you have fun and your friends can help you with work you do not understand. If your organized your work will be neat and you can get things done without being confused. I will make sure i do all my homework because if you do not your grades will be low and some teachers do not allow you to make up homework. Studying will help you get good grades on your test. Participate in as many extra activities because colleges look for that and you can get scholar ships. There are many ways to do good in school.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

looking over blogs

Today in human geography class Mr.Schick looked over our blogs from last night and took extra time with people who did not send him the email. I was not one of those people. I did send him the email so i socialized and when he called me up he just needed to make sure it was the correct blog. He also told us that we will be having a class tomorrow and will be taking notes so we will need our notebooks from now on.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

First day of school

The first day of school was a concern for me throughout the summer. Last year, it was hard to deal with school. So on tuesday morning i woke up worried. On the way to school i was ten minutes late to school which freaked me out even more. Once i got in the school my fear left, i wasn't nervous. At the end of the day i had a very good time at John carroll it helped me realize that school can be fun but educational at the same time.