Friday, December 12, 2014

christmas party

Gabis christmas party idea was a success! Everyone brought in cookies, pastries, or candy canes! It was fun to snack while listening to music but at the end we got to review for our exams! 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

thursday class

Today in human geo we got the test back. It wasn't what i expected. It was lower then a b. We went over the test and our answers! I should've studied more but tomorrow is our christmas party!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Today in human geo we took our test in culture geography. I believe i got a B on it because a lot of questions i could remember from my notes. Its not an A because i had to really think about some of the questions and rethink them. I hope for the best on this test and on next weeks exam!

Monday, December 8, 2014


todays class we are reviewing for the test on wednesday that is on cultural geography. religions will be on it, so will slum dog millionaire, plus other notes that we have in our notebook. this is basically a test on how we are all different.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

wednesday class

We started learning about culture in yesterdays class. We took notes in our notebook about how language, religion, and ethnic heritage are examples of culture. 
-spanish has united the hispanic world 
-brazil is the only south american country that doesn't speak spanish
-canada is a bilingual nation
-Switzerland has many multiple languages and multiple ethnic groups but very little conflicts

finishing the movie

Monday class we finished the movie which has became one of my favorite movie. it was a story of how a boy became and millionaire from his terrible experiences in his life. i looked at this as he took something negative and learned from those times to make them a positive learning experience. i had to leave from the basketball game so i left at the part were he just reunited with his long lost love at the train station.

Friday, November 21, 2014


Some differences between indian and american culture:

  • the houses are much smaller and basically shacks in india
  • there are out houses where you have to go to the bathroom in india
  • the class room in india is the size of a walk in closet with many kids and chaos 
  • the police are not viewed as helping the citizens

Friday, November 14, 2014



  • party in the USA - miley cyrus
  • born in the USA- bruce springsteen
  • courtesy of the red, white, and blue- toby keith
French Republic 

La Marseillaise 
Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle. 

Allons enfants de la patrie, 
Le jour de gloire est arriv? 
Contre nous de la tyrannie 
L'?tendard sanglant est lev? 
Entendez vous dans les campagnes, 
Mugir ces f?roces soldats? 
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras 
Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes! 


Aux armes, citoyens! 
Formez vos bataillons! 
Marchons! Marchons! 
Qu'un sang impur 
Abreuve nos sillons! 

Amour sacr? de la patrie, 
Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs! 
Libert?, Libert? cherie, 
Combats avec tes defenseurs! 
Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire 
Accoure ? tes males accents! 
Que tes ennemis expirants 
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire! 


Nous entrerons dans la carri?re 
Quand nos ain?s n'y seront plus; 
Nous y trouverons leur poussi?re 
Et la trace de leurs vertus. 
Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre 
Que de partager leur cercueil, 
Nous aurons le sublime orgueil 
De les venger ou de les suivre! 




Ye sons of France, awake to glory! 

Hark! Hark! the people bid you rise! 

Your children, wives, and grandsires hoary 

Behold their tears and hear their cries! 


Shall hateful tyrants, mischief breeding, 

With hireling hosts a ruffian band 

Affright and desolate the land 

While peace and liberty lie bleeding? 


To arms, to arms, ye brave! 

Th'avenging sword unsheathe! 

March on, march on, all hearts resolved 

On liberty or death. 

Oh liberty can man resign thee, 

Once having felt thy gen'rous flame? 

Can dungeons, bolts, and bar confine thee? 

Or whips thy noble spirit tame? 


Too long the world has wept bewailing 

That falsehood's dagger tyrants wield; 

But freedom is our sword and shield 

And all their arts are unavailing. 



Thursday, November 13, 2014


The test that we did today was in-between hard and easy some of the questions i found simple but others had me stuck. I hope i did good on the test because i need to raise my grade for me to continue being basketball manger. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

review #2

We did not have our test today because the link mr schtick gave us to study didn't let us open it. So during class we got to open this link and start to study. We are able to complete our blog in class which was helpful and we basically had a free mod so we could get to studying and blogging. I feel like this will be a hard test so i need to study a lot so my grade goes up.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


We have a test on wednesday on our presentations. We started talking about problems in the world. Mostly we had a free mod so we could talk and do our blogs which was very helpful. I have to start studying for my test since we have it in wednesday and mr.schick said it was difficult. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

continue on presentation


  • federal republic
  • dilma rousseff- president
  • 36 president 
  • 4 year terms she's had 2
  • reelection, impeach, assassination, press charges.
  • parliament democracy, federation, constitution monarchy 
  • canada was under british rule
  • stephen harper has been in power for eight years and he started in january 23, 2006
  • been a part of the parliament since 2002
  • impeachment

Thursday, November 6, 2014

continue on presentations

  • federal presidential republic 
  • Putin & Medvedev
  • by law they have to agree
  • over throw, assassination, start a revolution, impeach, protest, vote a third party candidate 
  • republic
  • 7 years 
  • rigged voting
  • 2 year term 
  • used chemical war fair when people tried over throwing 
  • been around since 600 BC
  • akihito is the emperor 
  • prime minsister shinzo abe
  • only monarchy with the title emperor 
  • first prime minister
  • all men and women who are 20 have the right to vote 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


  • federal republic
  • leader- Chancellor Angela Merkel
  • every 4 years election for chancellor
  • every 5 years president election
  • impeachment 
  • leader barack obama
  • impeachment, revolution, assassination
  • 4 year= 1 term 
  • can have up to 2 terms
  • Andrew jackson was the only impeached government 
  • federal republic

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

France government

In todays class we got into our groups and started to work on our power point. Suki and i were the ones who were making the slides pretty. Gabi was the one who did the research. The project is going well so far they look good and have nice facts on them. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

picking groups

Today we got groups to find out how we can kick the leader out of leadership. We have to make a power point online so we can all do it. Its gabi, suki, and me in a group and were doing france. So we have to figure out how we can take the learner out of leadership.

Friday, October 24, 2014

pop quiz

When we got into class today mr.schick started handing out answer sheets and we all knew that omg we have a pop quiz which we started freaking out then it put even more pressure by saying he's putting these scores on quarter one. I got a 67% so now my grade will go down greatly!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

reviewing blogs

today we talked about what we put as our facts for our blogs. Once we were done that we had free time which we were able to do our blogs 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

world leaders

Federal Republic
Enrique Pena Nieto

Communist state
XI Jinping

Federal Republic
Pranab Mukherjee

Vladimir Putin

Federal Republic
Joachim Gauck 

United Kingdom
Constitutional monarchy and commonwealth realm
Prime Minister
David Cameron

Francois Hollande

Federal Republic
Dilma Rousseff

Republic under and authoritarian regime
Bashar al-Assad

Parliamentary democracy, a federation, and a constitutional monarchy
Prime Minister
Stephan Joesph Harper

Parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy

Parliamentary democracy
Shimon Peres

wednesday class

In class today we talked about the 12 most powerful counties on earth and who's running them. We heard that Chancellor Angela Merkel is the first female leader in brazil. She came from a bad Back ground but changed her life around and it made her much stronger and it motivated her to be the best she could and i believe that is the best someone could do and now she is more powerful then the president. 

Friday, October 17, 2014


I came into school late so i was not in class today.


In thursdays class we got our test back. I'm very disappointed in what i have received on my test. There for i will study harder on my next test.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Today we had a test on what we learned from the cia world fact book. As we were using it in the beginning of the test i was having a hard time trying to find the percentage of how many people speak  english or spanish. The push and pull forces were pretty easy and the fill in the blank i feel like i did very well. Over all i think that i got an A on this test. If not an A then a very high B. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


In class we reviewed for our test. we got a lot of information about the population pyramids. also we were noted that we will have to identify what country the pyramids that he gives us belong to. we have to get comfortable with being on the cia factboook because we only have 10 minutes to get 12 answers on there. I'm feeling confident about this test tomorrow.

Monday, October 6, 2014

world fact book

In todays human geo class we looked at the world fact book. We had to find out if we are actually number one in the hole world. sometimes china could be better then us. other times india is better then us. We all shared a fact of what we found that is very interesting. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

fridays class

in todays class first we watched the john carroll news. next mr.schick showed us a video on how a guy said america is not the greatest country. after we had a debate about that and we realized that we totally agree with what they say. because there are facts telling us about how we aren't the greatest. cia fact book has those for us to see. there are many things we agree on and disagree on. like many people may blame everything on obama but no matter what president we have no one will like him/her. and most things that happen in this country happen because of us at citizens. i love debating in class because it does get intense and very interesting.


in class mr schtick told us how we can get spotify for free. all we have to do is be in a trial for if music can help you in school even in social studies. but as i was signing up my activation code was used already but mr.schick said he would get me a new one.

Monday, September 29, 2014


  • According to the Population Reference Bureau's "2013 World Population Data Sheet", 271 are born every minute, and 106 die every minute. That's a global net population increase of 165 per minute. This lesson was published on May 5th. What's the estimated global population increase exactly one week later (May 12th)?  A: over 10 million       B: 20,739      C: 1155    D: 1,663,200    
  • As a country slows in population growth, its pyramid shape will  A: become wider at the base and narrower at the top         B: be inverted          C: become more rectangular            D: bulge in the middle
  • What does a Population Pyramid NOT give you information about?    A: birth rates         B: actual number of people        C: life expectancy         D: death rates
  • Which continent would have the most fast-growth pyramids?   A: Africa         B:  Asia          C: North America         D: South America
  • Friday, September 26, 2014

    friday 9/26/14

    In todays class we had people have a chance to go up to Mr.schicks computer for points and explain 3 facts in one country that may interest us. I found that china educates more men then women. In Germany they are dying higher then people having babies. Johnny talked about how he found a country that is only the size of the john carroll campus. Mckenna looked up the world and found all the negatives.

    thursday class

    We went over the test for the people who were not in class. We had a shadow in our class his name was ryan so we talked about what we have learned. Mr. schick explained in detail what tfr meant. it means the amount of children per women.

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014


    I was not in human geo class today because of the freshman retreat.

    Friday, September 19, 2014

    The world

    In todays class we examined the world status. we found out that chad is the worst country. Syria is the country that is decreasing the most. Our country is the 50th fattest country which seems right since we have all bad food in the united states.

    Thursday, September 18, 2014


    Today in class we took notes about how our world is expanding every second. Its amazing how our generation has changed. Other countries like African countries are having 4-6 kids in the family unlike china and america with 1-2. 

    Wednesday, September 17, 2014

    First test

    The first test that i took was not hard. I took my time read all the questions clearly and hopefully wrote down the answers correct. The open blog test helped me so i can refer back to this so i would get the answers right. The long response questions took a while but i could get through them and i remembered through our class discussions about all of them. I believe i will get a 90%

    Monday, September 15, 2014


    In todays human geo class we reviewed whats going to be on the test wednesday. We wrote in our note book questions that will be on the test. we explained the answers so we can study our notes and hopefully get all the questions right on the test. It was a big help by doing that.

    Friday, September 12, 2014


    Today in class we learned that Globalization is the connection between different parts of the world. Alexander the great started this by starting to unit the world. This results in expansion of international culture. This has influenced china with KFC and Mcdonalds to move in to different parts of the world which has changed people eating habits and has decreased the death age. Sometime this may not be a good thing in this world.

    Thursday, September 11, 2014

    thursday class

    In class today we went over the video in smaller details. we talk about how Mr.Schick remembers using the first time he used a cell phone and i remember the first iPod I've every got and it didn't have a screen and it was almost an inch big but i thought it was so great! I can't even imagine what new invention will be around in the future.


    From the video that we saw i was surprised by how the united states is letting people from china and idea take over the americans jobs because they will work for less. Even though this has not impacted my life in anyway i believe that there are many americans that could be very mad about this subject because they may be laid off of work right now from this problem. The video also explained how social media has taken over this world and i believe it has. When i get on my phone right away i go to Tumblr, Instagram,, and Snapchat. This social media world has changed us in many ways both good and bad.

    Tuesday, September 9, 2014


    In class we were complaining about the seat change. We used a socratic method to determine how to vote on the seat change. People went up and spoke about there opinion then once all the people who had something to say spoke we voted. The seats went back to picking there own seats which helped people understand what the greeks really did in that time. we did not take notes or discuss anything new but this helped people know how it really was in 508 BC times in Greece.

    Sunday, September 7, 2014


    In class friday we talked about what "the unexamined life is not worth living" which was said by socrates.  He was a hero for many but when we was put up for going against the gods people voted him guilty. He would be put to death but there was an easy way out but he wanted to follow the rules so he was put to death. He thought that everyone should thank him for teaching everyone a different way of life.

    Thursday, September 4, 2014


    Agora- a popular political assembly 

    Arete-  excellence of any kind 

    Polis- a city in Greece

    508 BC- Year of the consulship of Poplicola and Tricipitinus 

    Socrates- a classical greek philosopher 

    The death of Socrates- a painting in 1787

    The Socrates Method- a discussion between two individuals 

    Wednesday, September 3, 2014


    Today in human geo class we made sure everyone had there note books. Next, we got all the students caught up on there blogs. Mr. Schick had us all watch his ALS ice bucket challenge and nominated all of his students; he went on saying how amazing the cause is and how social media can be good. After chatting about ALS we learned about "A Message To Garcia" by Elbert Hubbard in 1899.

    Friday, August 29, 2014

    five ways to succeed in high school

    One good way to succeed in high school is to be social with a lot of people because that can help you have fun and your friends can help you with work you do not understand. If your organized your work will be neat and you can get things done without being confused. I will make sure i do all my homework because if you do not your grades will be low and some teachers do not allow you to make up homework. Studying will help you get good grades on your test. Participate in as many extra activities because colleges look for that and you can get scholar ships. There are many ways to do good in school.

    Thursday, August 28, 2014

    looking over blogs

    Today in human geography class Mr.Schick looked over our blogs from last night and took extra time with people who did not send him the email. I was not one of those people. I did send him the email so i socialized and when he called me up he just needed to make sure it was the correct blog. He also told us that we will be having a class tomorrow and will be taking notes so we will need our notebooks from now on.

    Wednesday, August 27, 2014

    First day of school

    The first day of school was a concern for me throughout the summer. Last year, it was hard to deal with school. So on tuesday morning i woke up worried. On the way to school i was ten minutes late to school which freaked me out even more. Once i got in the school my fear left, i wasn't nervous. At the end of the day i had a very good time at John carroll it helped me realize that school can be fun but educational at the same time.